Thank you to all the delegates who attended our New Homes and Our Health event on Thursday 6th July in Sheffield. The presentations are now available to download below.

All of the presentations were incredibly interesting and it was eye-opening to see the challenges facing housebuilding from so many different perspectives. Thank you to all the speakers and to our Chair for the day, Chris Herring from Green Building Store.

Finally, a big thank you to our supporter Zero Carbon Yorkshire and the University of Sheffield for hosting us on the day.

A full summary of the event will be available shortly, courtesy of Nicola O’Connor, Mandarin Research.


Healthy Homes Report findings – John Alker, Campaign and Policy Director at UK-GBC

Daylight and sunlight – Stephanie King, BRE

Overheating in UK homes; occurrence, causes and solutions – Prof. Bill Gething, Bill Gething: Sustainability + Architecture

Designing for noise, ventilation and thermal comfort – Jack Harvie-Clark, Chair of ANC, founder of Apex Acoustics

Urban design – Safety, traffic noise, air quality, access to green space, connectivity, community cohesion – Rebecca Taylor, Partner, John Thompson & Partners

Presentations from New Homes and Our Health event

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