Pathfinder NetworK

For Housing Associations

About the Network

Following on from the success of the Good Homes Alliance (GHA) Vanguard Campaign and Network, the GHA has launched a new Pathfinder membership network for progressive housing associations. 

Network Members

Greenoak Housing Association
Raven Housing Trust
Sovereign Network Group

Membership benefits

In addition to Standard membership benefits, Vanguard (local authorities), Pathfinder (housing associations/RSLs), Net Zero Developer Network (private sector developers) and Pioneer (BPE network) members benefit from:

  • Quarterly network members’ meetings to share learning and best practice
  • Discussions on common issues and barriers. GHA will help facilitate and develop collaborative solutions where possible
  • Influence and help scope new guidance/research and further development of a library of resources on the GHA Knowledge Base. Examples include:
  • Advocacy and representation of the network to Government departments and industry bodies such as the Future Homes Hub, TCPA and UKGBC
  • Regular press and PR, highlighting achievements of the networks and its members
  • Develop specifications, design briefs and guidance for new housing (subject to further funding)
  • Facilitated partnerships and introductions to members of GHA’s networks and wider membership which includes architects, consultants, product manufacturers, academia and more


Case studies and exemplar site visits

A series of exemplar case studies and a programme of site visits to share learning and best practice.

Resource library/ knowledge base

A virtual library of best practice resources and examples to aid the development of sustainable housing policy and projects.

New research and guidance

Member-led research and new guidance development including building performance evaluation studies.

Meetings and workshops

Pathfinder network members’ only meetings plus free or discounted tickets to our core events and conferences

Get Involved

Housing association membership

Share best practice and learning with your peers by joining the Pathfinder Network. Open to housing associations and RSLs.

Pathfinder Network member – £1,200

The fee is for 1 year of membership and exclusive of VAT.

Network sponsorship

Help support the development of the network and interact with housing associations at the forefront of sustainable development by becoming a network supporter, sponsor or partner.

Network supporter – £2,500

Network sponsor – £5,000

Network partner – £10,000

All fees are for 1 year of sponsorship and exclusive of VAT.

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