The UK built environment is well placed to deliver solutions that benefit our health and wellbeing, but experience suggests that there are a number of problems regarding the understanding and delivery of these outcomes. This conference explores both the technical problems and solutions and should contain essential knowledge for developers, designers, asset managers and constructors.

Co-hosted with Zero Carbon Yorkshire and the University of Sheffield.


9:30 Registration
10:00 Welcome from the GHA Richard Broad, Good Homes Alliance
10:05 Chair’s opening comments – Chris Herring, Green Building Store
10:15 Healthy Homes Report findings – John Alker, Campaign and Policy Director at UK-GBC
10:45 Indoor air quality, building overheating and health impacts/risks

– Sani Dimitroulopoulou, Environmental Hazards and Emergencies Dept, Public Health England 

11:15 Daylight and sunlight – Stephanie King, BRE
11:45 Refreshments and networking
12:15 Overheating in UK homes; occurrence, causes and solutions – Prof. Bill Gething, Bill Gething: Sustainability + Architecture
12:45 Designing for noise, ventilation and thermal comfort – Jack Harvie-Clark, Chair of ANC, founder of Apex Acoustics
13:15 Urban design – Safety, traffic noise, air quality, access to green space, connectivity, community cohesion – Rebecca Taylor, Partner, John Thompson & Partners
13:45 Final discussion and closing comments from the Chair – Chris Herring, Green Building Store
14:00 Close and networking

Event Details

Cost: Free for GHA members, £30 for ZCY members, £50 for partners, £75 for non-members

Booking: Eventbrite

New Homes and Our Health

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