GHA MANIFESTO – Updated October 2023
In the 3 years since our last manifesto update, a lot has changed. We have had Covid, COP26/27, a new Part O of the Building Regulations on Overheating, Net Zero Strategy, Heat and Buildings Strategy, the Future Homes Standard proposals, an emerging Net Zero Building Standard, a new BS on Building Performance Evaluation, a greater focus on Environmental and Social Goals from the finance sector and a small but growing number of Local Authorities requiring zero carbon new developments.
GHA continues to be involved on behalf of its members across many initiatives including cutting edge research, especially where we see opportunities to improve the health impacts and performance of new build homes, and the communities they are part of, and to deliver net positive benefits – economic, social and environmental.
The Climate Change Committee’s 2023 report to Parliament calls for action on overheating and air quality in homes, more efficient use of water, action on urban heat islands, POE for new build homes, better use of smart data, building resilience to flooding, changes to planning emphasis to prioritise resilience, energy security, finance that takes into account the risks of climate change with better disclosure. These are key focusses of the Good Homes Alliance which we will continue to address and promote to the sector.
We represent a larger community now than in 2020 including the Building Performance Network members, who support the aim of Net Zero Emissions homes along with higher standards in comfort and health for occupants, who believe this is achievable now and at scale, and together we promote leadership and know-how for achieving this in practice and look to government to do likewise through public sector financial support for schemes that deliver on these targets.
In the light of this we restate the GHA ‘Mission’ underpinning work going forward:
‘We catalyse the delivery of high performance net zero homes and places which enable happy and healthy lives.’
Homes that minimise operational energy and water demand, and perform in use as intended
Homes and places that maximise on-site renewable energy and utilise energy management/storage solutions to meet demand (using solutions such as smart grids)
Homes that minimise whole life carbon through their product selection, construction processes, in-use operation and disposal or reuse of building materials at end of life
Healthy, adaptive homes with excellent indoor air quality (ventilation, non-toxic materials), comfort (overheating/shading control) and sufficient space (space standards)
Attractive homes and places with robust materials and detailing for low and easy maintenance and which will stand the test of time
Homes and places that maximise biodiversity and ecological improvements
Homes and places that are resilient to a rapidly changing climate and extreme weather events including minimising overheating and flood risk
Homes that provide growing and leisure opportunities including occupants’ access to private amenity space and shared green/open space
GHA continues to initiate and participate in research and the collection of case studies to support knowledge dissemination and skills to enable this vision to be realised, and to advocate for our membership, higher standards in housing – in design and real-life performance – to realise the widest value for both investors and occupants.
Support our activities and join the Good Homes Alliance today.
Image credit: David Butler
Join the GHA
The Good Homes Alliance is a non-profit sustainability organisation with over 125 members and partners from across the built environment sector.
We aim to create a welcoming, supportive and safe space for those who seek to break through housebuilding norms and embrace best practice.
We are the home for organisations striving to go further and faster than ‘business as usual’ and deliver net zero homes NOW.