Contact details
Good Homes 2020 speaker
Dr Richard Jack, Product Manager, Build Test Solutions
Company profile
BTS are innovators in building performance measurement. Our mission is to make in-situ building performance measurement cost effective and accessible to the mainstream building construction, renovation and home improvement sectors.
Following extensive testing and validation, we supply unique building performance measurement technologies and software solutions to energy assessors, building surveyors, the construction industry, utility suppliers and other built environment experts.
We provide tools to measure a full range of building performance metrics, including airtightness, elemental performance (U-values) and whole dwelling thermal performance (Heat Transfer Coefficient). Knowledge of the actual thermal performance of a building empowers owners and occupants, enabling better informed asset management and quality assurance. You can't manage what you don't measure.
Featured product – Pulse Air Permeability Measurement System
Find out more at: buildtestsolutions.com/air-leakage-testing/pulse/.