A Net Zero Recovery
Following our sold-out Net Zero and Future Homes Conference in November 2019, the annual Good Homes Alliance Conference returns, with four topical conference sessions taking place online throughout October and November 2020.
6th October
13:00 - 15:00
Net zero housing policy and projects
In this opening conference session we will kick off Good Homes 2020 with a recap on the net zero housing landscape, with updates on the latest policy, guidance, research and competitions.

Net zero policy update
Lynne Sullivan OBE, Chair, Good Homes Alliance

Keynote address - Professor Dame Julia King, Baroness Brown of Cambridge
Deputy Chair of the Committee on Climate Change, Chair of the CCC Adaptation Committee and Chair of the Carbon Trust

Welcome from our sponsor and update on the ‘Healthy Homes Barometer’
Neil Freshwater, Public Affairs Manager GB & Ireland, VELUX

'Affordable, efficient and healthy homes for all' - The 'Home of 2030' competition
Andy von Bradsky, Head of Architecture, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)

Accelerating net zero - Pilots, client guides and more
Clare Murray, Head of Sustainability, Levitt Bernstein/ London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI)

'Homes of the future, now - Comfortable and affordable to heat' - An update on the 'Building for 2050' project
Alison Crompton, Regional Director, AECOM
20th October
13:00 - 15:00
Technologies and solutions for net zero homes
In this interactive session, we will be joined by a number of leading-edge net zero solution providers who will showcase the latest innovations in renewable energy, smart home and building performance technologies, including heat pumps, 5G district heat networks, wind power, building performance measurement, home automation and battery storage.

An update on the Active Building Centre
Simon McWhirter, Head of Engagement, Active Building Centre

Intelligent battery storage
Gary Watson, Sales Manager (UK & Ireland), Sonnen

Kensa Contracting
Ground source heat pumps and shared ground loop arrays
Ieman Barmaki, Director of Low Carbon Partnerships, Kensa Contracting

Intelligent AI powered home automation, clean energy production and super efficient heating systems to enable affordable net-zero homes
Daniel Burton, CEO, Wondrwall

Heritage Wind
Wind generated clean energy from traditional styled windmills
Steve Charter, Director, Heritage Wind

Build Test Solutions
Measured outcomes
Dr Richard Jack, Product Manager, Build Test Solutions

Net zero case studies - Parc Hadau and the FLATLINE project
James Williams, Managing Director, Sero Homes
3rd November
13:00 - 15:00
Climate emergency and local authority action
This event will showcase the forward-thinking work of our Vanguard Network members as they act upon their climate emergency declarations and seek to deliver net zero housing at scale.

'One million SuperHomes by 2030' - An update from our Vanguard Network partner, National Energy Foundation
Sandra Hayes, Head of Households and Communities, National Energy Foundation

Reflecting on 10 years of Passivhaus in Exeter
Emma Osmundsen, Managing Director, Exeter City Living

Planning for net zero
Emma Davies, Principal Sustainability Consultant, Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service

Sustainable housing in Enfield - Meridian Water
Rafe Bertram, Sustainability Facilitator, Enfield Council

Sustainable housing at Harlow and Gilston Garden Town
Tara Gbolade, Sustainability Lead: Placeshaping, Harlow & Gilston Garden Town

17th November
13:00 - 15:00
Covid-19, health & well-being and the green recovery
This year during the Covid 19 crisis, people have spent more time than ever in their homes. In this final session we will debate how industry can ensure a green and resilient recovery which addresses both climate change and biodiversity loss, and delivers healthy, low energy, high quality homes.
The Healthy Homes Act

Lord Nigel Crisp, Previous Chief Executive of the NHS, author of ‘Health Begins at Home’ and Healthy Homes Bill advocate

Dr Daniel Slade, Policy & Project Manager, Town and Country Planning Association

Accelerating the transition to a green economy
Emma Harvey, Programme Director, Green Finance Institute

Findings from the 'Covid-19 and our homes' survey
Prof Matthew Carmona, Professor of Planning and Urban Design, University College London

The 'Building for Life 12' principles
David Birkbeck, Chief Executive, Design for Homes

Active House principles and findings of the ‘Model Home 2020’ CarbonLight Home project
Paul Hicks, Director, Studio 62 Design Ltd
Closing of the conference series and final remarks
If you purchase a whole conference ticket but are unable to join one of the sessions live, we will be recording the events so you can catch up on the webinar on demand (requires a ticket purchase to view on demand recording).
Individual session ticket
- GHA members – £10.00 (+ VAT)
- Members of partner organisations* – £17.50 (+ VAT)
- General admittance – £25.00 (+ VAT)
Problems with booking? If you are having problems booking via the button above, book directly via Eventbrite (links to external page) –
Prefer to pay by invoice? Please contact and we can process your booking offline.
*Partner organisations include: AECB, Building Performance Network, Passivhaus Trust, STBA, TCPA, The Green Register, The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products, UKIEG, Woodknowledge Wales.
Image – Marmalade Lane, Cambridge (TOWN, Trivselhus, Mole Architects). Credit: David Butler