As announced at the end of 2020, UKGBC is developing a Whole Life Carbon Roadmap which aims to provide a common vision and agreed actions for achieving net zero carbon in the construction, operation and demolition of buildings and infrastructure. To support development of the Roadmap, and to ensure it is consensus-led, we’re seeking industry feedback on suggested proposals set out within a draft version of the Roadmap.  

There are three key elements within the Roadmap consultation draft where feedback is being sought: 

  1. A Net Zero Scenario calculating an emissions budget and trajectory to 2050  for  the UK Built Environment sector, based on existing data and forward-looking projections.  
  2. Government and Local Authority Policy Recommendations that set out the critical policies and milestones needed to accelerate the built environment sector’s decarbonisation.
  3. Stakeholder Action Plan that identifies key actions required for stakeholders within the built environment.  

UKGBC is seeking feedback from stakeholders interested in delivering a net zero built environment. Proposals outlined in the draft Roadmap span the buildings sector and affect all domestic and non-domestic new builds, retrofits, and infrastructure. Therefore, UKGBC is keen to hear from stakeholders from a variety of specialities and professions within the industry.  

The consultation document outlines a summary of proposals and recommendations set out within the draft roadmap and specific questions related to those proposal. The deadline for responding to this consultation is 15th August 2021 and feedback must be submitted using the below survey. 



The draft proposals have been developed with input from four industry Task Groups and a Steering Group, compromised of over 90 built environment experts, including GHA Chair Lynne Sullivan. All feedback gathered during the consultation will be reviewed with the Task Groups and Steering Group and will play a key role in finalising the Roadmap for publication at COP26 in November 2021.

This project is part of a multi-national project (#BuildingLife) coordinated by WorldGBC and made possible with the support of Laudes Foundation and Ikea Foundation.

UKGBC Consults on Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Roadmap

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