The Good Homes Alliance is again pleased to support the UK’s longest-running housing awards, set up by government in 1948 and now in their 72nd year.
We’re pleased that GHA Chair Lynne Sullivan OBE is once again part of a select group of judges, made up of industry experts, government officials and enthusiasts. To date there have been more than 1,000 winning schemes. The HDA archive of previous winners is the largest such resource in the world.
New for this year:
- A new simplified entry process
- Judges’ feedback – enter the premium package and receive judges’ feedback from the shortlist judging day
- Virtual expo – shortlisted & winning entries will be uploaded onto our new digital map
- Prize draw – the first 50 entrants will be drawn out of a hat to win a number of prizes including 1 of 3 stands at 2020 Housing Design Awards; 1 pair of Seminar tickets; 1 pair of Ceremony tickets; 1 of 3 Judges’ feedback responses on your entry.
The deadline for entries is Friday 28th February. To find out more about the Housing Design Awards, visit
Housing Design Awards now open for entries