BM3e, part of Boulter Mossman, has developed new clauses for inclusion in Design Guides or Employer’s Requirements to address risks associated with ‘overheating’ in housing. Aimed at protecting the interests of affordable housing providers, the clauses set out a process to comply with the latest CIBSE TM59 overheating design guidance.

The BM3e team has been created with the support of the environmental and sustainability expert Paul Ciniglio, formerly head of Assets and Sustainability at First Wessex Housing Association. Having spent 20 years employed by major housing associations, Paul has particular expertise in sustainable retrofit, new development and asset management.

Research estimates that as many as a fifth of new homes recently built are experiencing ‘overheating’ or are at a significant future risk. The guidance will be launched on Monday 18th September 2017. For further information and to register your interest please contact Paul Ciniglio at

BM3e develop new clauses to address overheating risk in new housing

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