On Wednesday 1st May 2024, 14:00-16:00 we will convene three of our networks – the Vanguard Network of Local Authorities, Pathfinder Network of Housing Associations, and Net Zero Developer Network – for a joint collaborative knowledge exchange meeting to share knowledge and best practice.
The meeting includes a discussion on Finance for Net Zero, followed by a Bitesize Webinar on Biodiversity Net Gain.
How to get involved
If you work for an organisation which is already a member of one of our networks and would like to attend this meeting/event, or are interested in becoming a member, please contact larry@goodhomes.org.uk.
14:00 Welcome and quick updates from Good Homes Alliance
14:10 Individual network updates and discussion (breakout rooms)
14:40 Joint discussion on Finance for Net Zero with Thinktank chair Rafe Bertram
15:00 Bitesize Webinar with presentations and Q&A on Biodiversity Net Gain
16:00 Close