P+HS Architects was established in 1984 and has a particular specialism in the residential sector. We have worked with housebuilders, developers, social landlords, Local Authorities and charitable trusts on work spanning private and affordable housing, medium to high rise developments, older age independent living and specialist and extra care developments.
P+HS has an excellent design and technical team that works closely with our clients to ensure projects will meet new and emerging standards from the very early design stages, while integrating our knowledge on Passivhaus, accessibility and dementia care standards. This approach helps provide high quality, energy efficient homes that meets the varying needs of residents.
Company website: https://www.pandhs.co.uk/
Company email: enquiries@pandhs.co.uk
Company telephone: 01642 712684
Social media links: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/p-hs-architects
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pandhsarchitects/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PandHSArch