The inaugural meetings for three themed Build Net Zero Now working groups have taken place this summer and have begun to set out a plan of work for the creation of important outputs to aid industry in the journey to net zero.

For the Energy, and Planning, Placemaking and Design working groups, mini-guides will be created with best practice guidance and case studies, including expert input from our cross industry members. This work runs alongside the development of a local authority planning policy tracker. Our Finance working group is developing a ‘mini manifesto’ on how finance should change to accelerate the delivery of net zero homes.

The next Energy working group meeting will take place on Wednesday 5th October at 14:00, with dates for the other groups to be announced shortly. To get involved, please contact

We would like to thank our Build Net Zero NOW leader sponsors, Velux, and the Sustainable Development Foundation, and working group sponsors, Ecology Building SocietySNRG, and Passivhaus Trust.

Themed working groups lay down plans for key industry outputs 

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