Tutorial #1 – Delivering Net Zero Homes: Design
The first in a series of hour-long online tutorials with interactive Q&A on how to deliver net zero homes, hosted by the Good Homes Alliance with guest industry experts.
– What do net zero housing designs and specifications look like?
– On-site renewables and fabric efficiency – Power stations or Passivhaus?
– Building for 2050 and Zero Carbon Hub performance gap research
Speaker: Tom Dollard, Head of Sustainable Design, Pollard Thomas Edwards
Biography: Tom has over 15 years’ experience in the construction industry in a range of roles; apprentice bricklayer, site manager, project architect and currently Head of Sustainable Design at Pollard Thomas Edwards. As an architect for the last 10 years in London, he has designed and delivered low carbon housing. He is a certified Passivhaus designer, BREEAM and domestic energy assessor. Tom has extensive experience in the construction and practical application of design for homes. In his work at PTE, he has been project architect for several award-winning large-scale mixed-use housing schemes in London and Cambridge. He is a Director of the Good Homes Alliance.
From 2013-2016, he was the site inspections expert for 21 sites for the Zero Carbon Hub performance gap research project for industry and government.
Tom is the author of the ‘Builders’ Book’, ‘Services Guide’ and ‘Designers Handbook’, a series of industry guides to design and deliver low carbon homes. The RIBA published his book “Designed to Perform: an illustrated guide to delivering energy efficient homes”, which was a best seller in 2019.
Currently he is leading the design and site review process for the UK Government’s Building for 2050 project, evaluating the technical performance of low carbon housing projects around the UK.
Key information
Tutorial #1 – 10 free places for GHA members!RSVP to richard@goodhomes.org.uk to claim your free place (usually £10 + VAT). Free places awarded on a first come, first served basis. |
Individual tutorial costs:
- GHA members – £10 (+ VAT)
- Members of partner organisations* – £15 (+ VAT)
- General admittance – £20 (+ VAT)
Whole series (3 tutorials)
- GHA members – £25 (+ VAT)
- Members of partner organisations* – £35 (+ VAT)
- General admittance – £45 (+ VAT)
Booking: Register via Eventbrite.
*Partner organisations include: AECB, Building Performance Network, Passivhaus Trust, STBA, The Green Register, The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products, Woodknowledge Wales.