Join us for our Annual General Meeting and Debate – Future-proofing: Can we deliver 2050-ready homes post-Brexit?


15:30 AGM (GHA members only)

16:00 Debate registration and welcome from the GHA

16:15 Speaker presentations

  • Delivering resilient, future-proof homes by adopting exemplar sustainability housing standards: An update on our Vanguard CampaignLynne Sullivan OBE, Director, LSA Studio and Chair of the Good Homes Alliance
  • Reducing the risk of overheating in new homes in an unpredictable climate: An update on our Overheating research project – Julian Brooks, Network and Programme Manager, Good Homes Alliance
  • Community-led housing: Can it provide quality, sustainable homes – Tom Chance, Acting Director, National CLT Network
  • The Appropriate Housing project – Challenging existing house building models Philip Graham, Partner, Cullinan Studio and Appropriate Housing

17:00 Debate

18:00 Close, followed by drinks at local pub

Kindly supported by Winckworth Sherwood

Event details

Booking: GHA members – Free for GHA members; Please RSVP to

Non-members – £10 for non-members; Please purchase a ticket via Eventbrite.

GHA 2018 AGM and Debate – Future-proofing: Can we deliver 2050-ready homes post-Brexit?

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