Date: Tuesday 22nd June | Time: 13:00 – 14:30 | Location: Online (Zoom) |
Event summary
Please join the Good Homes Alliance for the second in a series of online events, held in conjunction with our Build Net Zero NOW campaign.
Following a popular first session on ‘Net zero and the role of MMC’, at this webinar we will explore the important topic of embodied carbon in buildings.
As stated in ACAN’s The Carbon Footprint of Construction report, embodied carbon emissions can account for up to 75% of a building’s total emissions over its lifespan, with total embodied carbon emissions of new buildings & infrastructure in the UK accounting for over 10% of our national territorial emissions. Addressing embodied carbon is widely agreed to be necessary to meet 2050 net zero emissions targets.
Our expert speakers will discuss how to measure and assess embodied carbon on building projects; showcase embodied carbon guidance and tools; updates on latest policy; and identify strategies to deliver low embodied carbon, net zero homes.
Programme and speakers
13:00 Welcome from the Chair
Julian Brooks – Programmes Director, Good Homes Alliance
Julian Brooks is Programmes Director for the Good Homes Alliance and has spent over three decades in the construction industry working in the private, public and charitable sectors. He has has co-authored two publications on sustainable construction and won a CIOB Innovation & Research Award for his work on daylight/sunlight modelling software. At the GHA, he leads on our activities including our ever-growing local authority Vanguard and housing association Pathfinder networks.
13:10 Introduction to Embodied Carbon and new industry guidance for social housing developers, designers, contractors, suppliers and more
Jane Anderson – Construction LCA and ASBP Board member
Jane Anderson has over 20 years’ experience in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Embodied Carbon and Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) for the construction industry. Jane recently co-authored comprehensive Embodied Carbon industry guidance for Woodknowledge Wales. The guidance is primarily written for providers of new build social housing, their consultants and contractors, but it is relevant to everyone operating in the built environment sector, including retrofit.
A board member of The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products, Jane is also a member of the Green Construction Board Waste and Resources Task Group.
13:30 Regulate Embodied Carbon! campaign and The Carbon Footprint of Construction report
Joe Giddings – Coordinator, Architects Climate Action Network and Director, Timber Accelerator Hub
Joe Giddings is a key coordinator for the Architects Climate Action Network (ACAN) and leads their Embodied Carbon workstream, which published the The Carbon Footprint of Construction report.
He was recently appointed Project and Campaigns Director for the Timber Accelerator Hub, a collaborative pan-industry project which aims to unlock the potential for mass timber construction in the built environment. He is also a project architect on housing projects at Rock Townsend Architects.
13:50 H\BERT embodied carbon tool and case studies
Louisa Bowles – Partner and Head of Sustainability, Hawkins\Brown
Louisa Bowles is a Partner and Head of Sustainability at Hawkins\Brown. She has led several multi-disciplinary projects from inception to completion and now leads the practice’s dedicated team of sustainability specialists. She has structured the practice’s Whole Life Design strategy, which ensures all projects are measuring and reducing Whole Life Carbon and enhancing the architectural response to human and planetary health. This has included the development of H\B:ERT – an award-winning carbon measuring tool.
Louisa is also a key collaborator for LETI and their whole life carbon workstream, which recently published a number of informative one pagers and guidance on embodied carbon targets and net zero definitions.
14:10 Debate/Q&A
14:30 Close
Key information and booking
Date: Tuesday 22nd June
Time: 13:00-14:30
Location: Online (Zoom)
Registration fees (All fees exclusive of VAT):
- £10.00 for GHA members
- £15.00 for members of partner organisations*
- £20.00 for non-members
*Partner organisations – AECB, Building Performance Network, Passivhaus Trust, STBA, The Green Register, The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products, Woodknowledge Wales.
Booking: Bookings via Eventbrite.
A few days before the event, registered attendees will receive an email directly from the GHA with further information and joining instructions.
About the campaign
The campaign was formally launched at a Good Homes 2020 conference session on 3rd November 2020 and will run throughout 2021. The aim is to showcase how new homes can be built at scale to net zero standards now, rather than by 2025 or 2030. This ambition is shared by many GHA members, including members of our local authority Vanguard Network and housing association Pathfinder Network, that are set to build 100,000+ new homes over the next 10 years.
Further information: Please contact Richard Broad, Projects & Communications Manager, GHA –