A Statement from our Chair

A Statement from our Chair

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our Members and friends! If only similar upbeat messages had been conveyed in the government’s pre-Christmas twin announcements on new homes...
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The Green Shift - Report launched on financial incentives for higher environmental performance of new homes
News, Report

The Green Shift – Report launched on financial incentives for higher environmental performance of new homes

As part of our Build Net Zero Now campaign Finance working group we have launched a report – “The Green Shift – The existing financial incentives for higher environmental performance of new homes”, authored by Rafe Bertram.
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Launch event for new shading guide

Launch event for new shading guide

Join Good Homes Alliance, British Blind and Shutter Association (BBSA), Pollard Thomas Edwards and expert speakers for the launch of a new design guide on shading for housing.
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Domestic Energy Solutions Primer - Energy and heat generation
Guidance, News

Domestic Energy Solutions Primer – Energy and heat generation

As part of our Build Net Zero Now campaign Energy working group we are pleased to launch a new introductory guide on domestic energy solutions. We would like to thank lead author Andrew Jeffryes, and Chris Brierley from Active Building Centre/Energy Systems Catapult for supporting this work.
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Building Performance Network News

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