BUILD NET ZERO NOW Annual Conference

For the first time since a sold-out Net Zero and Future Homes Conference in 2019, the annual Good Homes Alliance Conference will take place as an in-person event on Thursday 1st December, 14:00-17:00 in London SE1.

Join us for debates, expert insight and networking as we discuss the key issues facing the net zero housing agenda including:

Tickets are limited with FREE tickets available for GHA members, so register now to secure your place!


13:30 Registration and networking

14:00 Welcome to the conference

Lynne Sullivan OBE

Chair, Good Homes Alliance

Lynne Sullivan OBE is an award-winning architect and Chair of the Good Homes Alliance, and was awarded an OBE for services to architecture in 2011. A member of the Green Construction Board since its inception, Lynne is now a Visiting Professor and design consultant, and chairs policy reviews for UK governments and others.

Update on Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard

David​ Partridge

Chairman, Governance Board, Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard / Chairman, Related Argent

Pre-recorded video

David​ Partridge was recently appointed Chairman of the Governance Board for the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard. The standard will set out a single, agreed set of performance targets for different asset types, and enable buildings claiming net zero carbon to demonstrate that they meet science-based decarbonisation trajectories.

14:10 Keynote speaker - Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

John Palmer

Deputy Director, Energy Performance of Buildings Division, Net Zero Directorate, DLUHC

John Palmer is Deputy Director, Net Zero Directorate at Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). John leads the Energy Performance of Buildings division within DLUHC which is responsible for delivering the Future Homes and Buildings Standards. John was previously Research and Policy Director at Passivhaus Trust.

14:30 Panel discussion #1 – Energy

Energy supply challenges, grid constraints, electric vehicle infrastructure and smart grid solutions.

Chaired by Mike Roberts

Vice-Chair, Good Homes Alliance

Mike Roberts is a chartered surveyor with 30 years experience and Vice-Chair of the Good Homes Alliance. Mike was formerley Managing Director of HAB Housing, a Founder Ambassador of UKGBC, and now heads up Vertigo, a regenerative development consultancy. 

Neal Coady

Head of Product, SNRG

Neal Coady is Head of Product at SNRG, a developer, installer and operator of smart grid networks in the UK. An EU expert in smart energy technologies, Neal’s recent roles have included Director Of Technology – Centrica Home Energy Management, Head of Technology Strategy at Hive and Head of Innovation at British Gas.

Mark Jackson

Head of Commercial Engineering, Active Building Centre

Mark Jackson is Head of Commercial Engineering at Active Building Centre. Mark is an experienced multi-disciplinary integration engineer with technical, practical and directorial experience in the Renewables, Aerospace, Utilities, Manufacturing, Automotive, Healthcare, Education, Electronics, Defence, IT and R&D sectors.

Simon Anderson

Chief Executive Officer, The Traxis Group

Simon Anderson is Chief Executive Officer of The Traxis Group. Traxis Energy is a catalyst programme that focuses on consolidating the fragmented decentralised energy market, and works with organisations interested in delivering distributed energy at scale. Simon has had an eclectic career, with 26 years in the Royal Navy, followed by a business career as a change management consultant and an entrepreneur.

15:00 Panel discussion #2 – Overheating

The ‘overheating problem’, best practice solutions and a new shading vernacular for a changing climate.

Chaired by Julian Brooks

Programmes Director, Good Homes Alliance

Julian Brooks has spent over three decades in the construction industry working in the private, public and charitable sectors, he has been actively involved in environmental/construction issues since the mid 90s, has co-authored two publications on sustainable construction, is a qualified BRE EcoHomes/Code Assessor, jointly won a CIOB Innovation & Research Award for his work on daylight/sunlight modelling software, was a CABE (now Design Council) Enabler and ran his own Built Environment Energy/Sustainability Consultancy. Julian was also the 1st Project Manager for the Somerset Trust for Sustainable Development (Ecos Trust) and Chairman of Ecos Homes.

Susie Diamond

Founding Partner, Inkling

Susie Diamond founded consultancy Inkling in 2011, previously leading the Building Physics team at Mott MacDonald. Susie is a lead author on industry guidance including CIBSE TM54 and TM59, and overheating guidance for the Good Homes Alliance. She has contributed to numerous industry groups including LETI, and the CIBSE Resilient Cities group.

Julie Godefroy

Julie Godefroy Sustainability

Julie Godefroy is a chartered engineer and has a PhD in low carbon buildings. She works as an independent sustainability consultant and as Head of Sustainability for CIBSE, where she leads the work on climate action including. Her recent projects outside of CIBSE include co-authoring guidance on overheating in new and existing homes and building performance evaluation.

Tom Dollard

Partner, Pollard Thomas Edwards

Tom Dollard is a Partner at Pollard Thomas Edwards, leading their ever-evolving zero carbon culture by providing project teams with training, support and inspiration. Tom is a director of the GHA, a member of the CIBSE homes for the future group and has been part of various publications and research projects for Government and industry to help increase supply of low carbon homes.

15:30 Refreshments and networking

15:50 Panel discussion #3 – Planning

Net zero planning policy and challenges for local authorities and developers.

Chaired by Lynne Sullivan OBE

Chair, Good Homes Alliance

Lynne Sullivan OBE is an award-winning architect and Chair of the Good Homes Alliance, and was awarded an OBE for services to architecture in 2011. A member of the Green Construction Board since its inception, Lynne is now a Visiting Professor and design consultant, and chairs policy reviews for UK governments and others.

Thomas Lefevre

Director, Etude Sustainability

Thomas Lefevre is a sustainability engineer with over 20 years’ experience in low energy housing. He is currently working on ten Passivhaus and/or Net Zero Carbon housing projects. He has led research and policy work including the ‘Building Renovation Passport’ report for the Greater London Authority and the Retrofit London Housing Action Plan for London Councils.

Rafe Bertram

Joint Interim Head of Climate Action and Sustainability, London Borough of Enfield

Rafe Bertram is Joint Interim Head of Climate Action and Sustainability at London Borough of Enfield and Sustainability Lead for Meridian Water, a major £6bn, 25-year London regeneration programme. Across the council, his priority is helping all the Council departments embed climate action into all decision making, planning guidance, projects and reporting.

Celia Davis

Projects & Policy Manager, Town & Country Planning Association

Celia Davis is Projects & Policy Manager at Town & Country Planning Association. Celia is responsible for managing the TCPA’s projects and policy work on planning for climate change, including providing guidance, advice and training for local authorities and communities. Celia is a Chartered town planner with experience in strategic planning, placemaking and community engagement.

16:20 The Big Net Zero Debate – “Are we going far enough, fast enough?”

16:50 Closing comments from the Chair

17:00 Close, followed by drinks and networking


Ticket fees

  • Free for GHA members
  • £25 for members of partner organisations*
  • £40 general admittance. All fees quoted exclusive of VAT.

* Partner organisations include: AECB, ASBP, Building Performance Network, Passivhaus Trust, SuperHomes, STBA, TCPA, The Green Register, UKIEG, Woodknowledge Wales.

Problems with booking? If you are having problems booking via the button above, book directly via Eventbrite (links to external page) –

Prefer to pay by invoice? Please contact and we can process your booking offline.



Winckworth Sherwood LLP

Minerva House, 5 Montague Cl, London SE1 9BB

Sustainable Development Foundation
Ecology Building Society

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