We are pleased to support the new ‘Delivering Affordable Net-Zero Housing’ series of 8 webinars organised by The Green Register in conjunction with the Eastern New Energy and South East New Energy projects. The series focuses on the nitty gritty details of what is working and what it costs to meet the net-zero challenge.

There is endless talk in the media, construction industry and otherwise about ‘net-zero’ and ‘zero carbon’ – as well as a growing aspiration (and eventually a regulatory requirement) to deliver net-zero carbon homes.But what do these terms really mean and what does it mean for designers, developers/suppliers and users in practice? Who is defining these performance criteria, how do we measure them, and prove that the proposed solutions work in live projects?

GHA members can benefit from a discounted rate saving up to £96! – £32 per session/£160 for all 8 sessions.

Event dates

Delegates can register for each event individually or book the whole series at a discounted rate. To book, click one of the event dates below to register via the Green Register website.

1. Defining, measuring and evidencing net-zero performance – Thursday 8 Sept,16:00-18:00, Live online
2. How do we make net-zero homes affordable? – Thursday 22 Sept, 16:00-18:00, Live online
4. Energy system solutions for affordable net-zero housing – Monday 17 Oct, 16:00-18:00, Live online

The ENE project is funded by the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. For more information visit https://www.gov.uk/european-growth-funding.

Delivering Affordable Net-Zero Housing

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