Wednesday 29th January 2025 | 13:15-17:30


The British Library Knowledge Centre, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB

The housing sector is at a crossroads. The new Labour government has pledged to build 1.5 million new homes over the next 5 years and has set out planning reforms and the reintroduction of mandatory housing targets to help facilitate this.

However, imminent updates to the building regulations following the Future Homes Standard consultation are not expected to go far and fast enough in addressing the urgent need for change to meet our climate commitments, or to deliver the healthy homes with low bills that we need.

The launch of the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard is a major milestone and will provide much needed clarity on a definitive net zero standard, which is science led and requires in-use building performance data as verification.

But to fully address the climate crisis we must take a truly holistic approach and consider wider aspects of sustainable development including planning, placemaking, and the implementation of nature positive solutions to deliver more resilient buildings and places.

We aim to support organisations from across the built environment sector who seek to go beyond business as usual, break through housebuilding norms and deliver higher quality homes, fit for the 21st century (see our industry-backed proposal for a better Future Homes Standard).

If you seek to embrace best practice and go further and faster to meet the challenge of net zero development, we welcome you to join us on Wednesday 29th January 2025 for a full afternoon of talks, research project updates, expert insights, panel discussions, exhibition, and networking drinks.


A keynote address from Baroness Brown of Cambridge DBE, Chair of the Climate Change Committee's Adaptation Committee

An opening welcome from our Chair, Lynne Sullivan OBE, who will be chairing proceedings on the day

A panel session exploring the important role of planning, placemaking and nature positive solutions in helping to deliver more resilient buildings and places that are fit for the future

An introduction to our new project which is developing practical guidance on how to meet best practice water efficiency targets and reuse outcomes in housing

An update on our ‘Finance for Net Zero’ work which has been exploring the levers and incentives required to unlock investment and incentivise the delivery of net zero homes

The role of building performance evaluation (BPE) in ensuring high quality outcomes in new homes and retrofit, with updates on the latest BPE research

Conference sponsors

Event kindly supported by the following organisations who will all be exhibiting at the conference

Key details

Date: Wednesday 29th January 2025

Time: 13:15-17:30

- Registration, refreshments* and exhibition from 13:15

- Conference sessions run from 14:00 until 17:20, with refreshment break at 15:35

- Evening drinks and networking from 17:30-19:00 at the Cosy Bar at the Somers Town Coffee House (5-minute walk from venue)

Venue: Pigott Theatre, British Library Knowledge Centre, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB



- GHA members (incl. BPN members) - £20

- Members of partner organisations*** - £40

- General admittance - £60

* Please note, lunch is not provided but there are a number of cafes in the local vicinity, including within the British Library - Light refreshments (tea, coffee, biscuits, water) will be provided at registration and at a mid-afternoon break).

** All fees quoted exclusive of VAT.

*** Partner organisations – Partner organisations include: AECB, Passivhaus Trust, South East Consortium, SuperHomes, STBA, TCPA, The Green Register, The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products, UKIEG, Woodknowledge Wales.

Co-located with SEC Sustainability AM

We are delighted to announce that our 2025 Annual Conference is co-located with South East Consortium’s Sustainability AM event which takes place at the same venue in the morning.

South East Consortium is a procurement framework and training provider and, like the GHA, has a network of local authorities and housing associations. Tickets to Sustainability AM are free for public sector delegates from LA/HAs. SEC members can register for the GHA Conference at our ‘Members of partner organisations’ rate of £40 +VAT.

For more information and to register please visit:


13:15 Registration, refreshments and exhibition

14:00 Welcome to the conference

An opening welcome from our Chair, Lynne Sullivan OBE, who will be chairing proceedings on the day.

14:05 Keynote address

A keynote address from Julia King, The Baroness Brown of Cambridge DBE, Chair of the UK Climate Change Committee's Adaptation Committee and Vice Chair of the CCC from 2008-2021

14:20 Panel session: Climate adaptation in planning and placemaking

A panel session looking beyond energy efficiency and carbon standards, and exploring the important role of planning, placemaking and nature positive solutions in helping to deliver more resilient buildings and places that are fit for the future.

Chaired by Lynne Sullivan OBE, Chair, Good Homes Alliance

Julia King, The Baroness Brown of Cambridge DBE, Chair of the UK Climate Change Committee’s Adaptation Committee

Amy Burbidge, Head of Master Development & Design, Homes England

Stephen Platt, Director, Cambridge Architectural Research Ltd.

Lindsey Wilkinson, Consultant Landscape Architect and Fellow of the Landscape Institute

15:00 Best practice water efficiency and reuse in housing

The challenge of water availability is well documented, and the UK faces a potential major water deficit. Many areas are water stressed, and some local authorities now require developers to demonstrate and robustly evidence a move towards ‘water neutrality’. Housebuilders, architects, contractors and their supply chains have a key role to play by delivering housing developments that are increasingly more water efficient and where appropriate maximise water reuse.

The Future Homes Hub’s Water Ready report for Defra proposes a roadmap towards water efficient housing, setting out proposed actions for government and industry to take to achieve 90 l/p/d in new homes by 2035. However, there are a number of organisations within industry, including GHA members, who want to move faster, and water companies are likely to encourage this through their Environmental Incentives programmes. There is currently however a knowledge gap and an urgent need for concise and current guidance.

Find out more about the GHA’s new project, funded by the Enabling Water Smart Communities (EWSC) project and the UK Water Efficiency Collaborative Fund, which will create practical guidance for those who want to go further and faster, and deliver new housing developments and retrofitted homes which meet best practice water efficiency targets and reuse outcomes, now.

Chaired by Rory Olcayto, Writer and Critic, Pollard Thomas Edwards

Katie Smith, Head of Water Efficiency and Demand Management, Defra

Catherine Moncrieff, Policy and Engagement Manager, CIWEM

Andrew Tucker, Water Demand Reduction Manager, Thames Water

Lutz Johnen, Founder, Aquality

15:35 Refreshment break, exhibition and networking

16:05 Finance for net zero - Unlocking investment and incentivising the delivery of net zero homes

An update on our ‘Finance for Net Zero’ work which has been exploring the levers and incentives required to unlock investment and incentivise the delivery of net zero homes​, followed by a panel discussion.

Chaired by Rafe Bertram, Built Environment Sustainability Lead, Enfield Council

Sarah Milne​​​​, Head of Impact, Puma Property Finance

Chris Gardner, CEO, Atelier Finance

Jess Hrivnak, RIBA’s Sustainability Advisor and Technical Steering Group Member of the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard

Philip Graham, AHRC Innovation Scholar in Design and Director of Studies & Bye-fellow, Homerton College, University of Cambridge

Maria Dutton, Consumer Finance Lead, Green Finance Institute

16:40 The role of building performance evaluation (BPE) in ensuring high quality outcomes in new homes and retrofit

A panel discussion featuring insights from BPE experts and the latest updates from building performance research projects.

Chaired by Dr Tom Dollard, BPE lead/Vice-chair, Good Homes Alliance and Partner – Sustainability and Innovation, Pollard Thomas Edwards

Professor David Glew, Director of the Leeds Sustainability Institute, Leeds Beckett University

Dr Elanor Warwick, Head of Strategy, Policy, Evidence and Research, Clarion Housing Group

Sam Wallis, Director, Energy & Net Zero Strategy, Envision and Chair of the Task Group on Reporting, Disclosure & Verification for the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard

Luke Smith, Managing Director, Build Test Solutions Ltd

Laura Forster, Innovation Lead – Net Zero Heat, Innovate UK UKRI

17:20 Closing comments from the chair followed by drinks & networking at the Cosy Bar at the Somers Town Coffee House (5-minute walk from venue)

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